“Joy for children started as a women’s saving group, and I should say in my life as a businesswoman I had never heard about saving, let alone its importance. The little I saved wasn’t enough to meet my children’s needs, especially school fees. So as time went on Joy for children helped me and other women that were part of the group to acquire academic sponsorships for our children. Even though they only paid half of the money, this was good for us because it ensured that our kids were at school full time. The groups we joined weren’t just for saving but we met there as women to share our different challenges in life and also get help from one another. My happiest moment was when Joy for children increased our kids’ academic sponsorship from primary level to secondary. This meant that my kids would actualize their dreams. I personally wanted to be a nurse but that dream wasn’t realized because of financial challenges. My advice to children would be for them to be patient because tough times don’t last, and, to the parents, my advice is that they should always be with their children no matter the situation because God will eventually come through. Our children are always suffering at the hands of the relatives whom we send them to stay with because they seem to be doing better than us. When I was young my parents sent me to stay with an auntie but I can never forget the way she mistreated me; she would beat me and pinch me till I bled. This forced me to run away and go to my stepmother’s.”

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