Menstrual hygiene management (MHM) in rural Uganda remains a pressing issue, affecting theeducation and well-being of countless young girls. The lack of access to sanitary products, proper facilities, and comprehensive education perpetuates stigma and hinders girls academic

In Uganda, its estimated that over 1.2 million girls aged 12-18 years face challenges related to menstrual hygiene management, according to a report by the Ministry of Education and Sports.

Additionally, UNESCO highlights that menstruation is a leading cause of absenteeism among
school-aged girls, with many missing up to 5 days of school each month due to inadequate MHM facilities and resources.

In rural areas of Uganda, the situation is even more dire. Lack of access to clean water, sanitary products, and private sanitation facilities forces many girls to resort to unhygienic practices, putting their health at risk. Moreover, the silence and taboo surrounding menstruation often lead to misinformation and stigma, further marginalizing girls and hindering their educational

In response to this critical issue, Global Giving has launched the Little by Little campaign, aiming to support organizations like Joy for Children Uganda (JFCU) dedicated to improving
menstrual hygiene management in rural Ugandan schools. For every $50 donated by a donor,
Global Giving will match it by 50%, amplifying the impact of each contribution.

This campaign provides a golden opportunity for donors to make a tangible difference. By supporting this cause, donors can help us distribute menstrual products and implement
educational programs that promote menstrual health, hygiene, and empowerment.

Your support is invaluable in creating lasting change. By investing in MHM initiatives in rural Uganda, you are championing the rights of girls to manage their periods safely, confidently, and with dignity. Moreover, your contribution aids in dismantling the societal taboos and barriers that hinder girls education and well-being.

With your help, Joy for Children Uganda can implement sustainable solutions, foster menstrual equity, and create supportive and inclusive learning environments where every girl can thrive.

Dont miss the chance to make a difference. Participate in the Little by Little campaign today
and watch as your donation is matched, doubling its impact and enabling JFCU to further its causes and initiatives effectively.

Together, we can ensure that every girl in rural Uganda has access to the resources, education, and support she needs to navigate menstruation with confidence, dignity, and pride.

Donate today on and be a catalyst for change.

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