

Supporting Data-Based Advocacy To Reduce The Prevalence Of Violence Against Child (VAC) Gender Based Violence (GBV) And Sexual Exploitation And Abuse (SEA) During COVID-19 Pandemic In Pader And Gulu Districts

The Global Fund For Human Rights

The COVID-19 pandemic and the associated movement and contact restrictions instituted to mitigate the spread of the virus have invariably created the conditions which have led to the escalation of violence against children, women and girls in most communities in Uganda.


Accelerating Progress To End Child Marriage In Uganda

In 2019, with concerted efforts to achieve Girls Not Bride’s vision of a world without child marriage, where girls are equal to boys and can achieve their full potential. A project proposal was developed, with funding support from People’s Post Code Lottery through Girls Not Brides, Girls Not Brides Uganda received a one-year grant to ‘Accelerate Progress towards Ending Child Marriage in Uganda’.