In an environment where government structures are weak or ineffective, it’s the responsibility of a civil society organization to stand up for children’s rights.…
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JFCU supports religious and cultural institutions, Community Based Organizations and community groups, educational institutions and political leaderships through sensitization, trainings, and other forms of empowerment to facilitate positive change. Community systems strengthening (CSS) is an approach that promotes development of informed, supportive communities and community-based structure…
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JFCU acknowledges that education enables the child to develop to his or her fullest possible potential and to learn respect and demand for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Child education starts right from home to school settings. The purpose is to enable the children acquire life skills early enough to make informed decisions and minimize chances of being lured into undesired behavior and p…
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The psychosocial and legal support thematic area aims to address the consequences of all forms of violence against children, barriers that child survivors face in accessing health services, protocols for treatment, and approaches to providing comprehensive care and provides referrals for litigation. This program area will focuses on providing psychosocial and legal support for children who are su…
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To support its strategic intents, a strong and sustainable JFCU organization is necessary. In line with this, JFCU continues to strengthen its internal capacity and organizational systems to deliver the envisaged outcome. This will present JFCU as the leading organization on children’s rights.Strategic Interventions JFCU’s successful operations have been hinged on strategic partnerships with both…
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