Child education rights

JFCU acknowledges that education enables the child to develop to his or her fullest possible potential and to learn respect and demand for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Child education starts right from home to school settings. The purpose is to enable the children acquire life skills early enough to make informed decisions and minimize chances of being lured into undesired behavior and practices that predispose them to abuse. Furthermore, retention of children in school settings helps them to delay sexual activities which can result into early marriage of teenage pregnancy. Empowered households and communities are therefore critical in supporting child education.

We aim at Increasing  access, uptake and/or utilization of quality educational services at community level

Strategic Interventions 

  • JFCU  trains teachers on creating conducive school environment that facilitates enrolment and retention of children in school. Issues of alternatives to corporal punishments and menstrual  hygiene are  addressed through these trainings. We  also train senior men and women teachers as well as metrons on child counseling in order to enable children cope with school environment dynamics and minimize school dropouts.
  • We empower  children  about their right to education and its importance in enabling them acquire life skills and be able to report cases of physical violence or torture. We  identify and train peers as role models to positively influence others.
  •  JFCU  identifies children from vulnerable households and provides them with school fees and scholastic materials to enable them to complete their education.
  • JFCU  supports children to acquire vocational skills with focus on those who will have dropped out of school

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