

Babies Living Optimally and Opportunely with Mothers’ (BLOOM)

Uganda Young Positives and Joy for children Uganda is implementing a ‘Babies Living Optimally and Opportunely with Mothers’ (BLOOM) project in Kyenjojo district, Rwenzori sub-region, Toro region in Western Uganda in five Sub-counties namely Nyabuhaburwa, Nyatungo, Kyenjojo TC, Kigarale and Butiiti (two villages per sub-country). Kyenjojo is one of the highest HIV prevalence districts in Uganda, with a prevalence of 7.4% in 2022, higher than the national prevalence of 5.8% (UPHIA 2020).


Legislative Advocacy to End Child Marriage in Uganda

Joy for Children- Uganda is working with members of parliament most especially Uganda Parliamentary Forum for Children (UPFC) and Uganda Women Parliamentary Association (UWOPA) to support process for the enactment of the sexual offences bill and advocacy for implementation of the existing laws and policies to end child marriage and teenage pregnancy in Uganda.


Sponsor a Child in Uganda

The lead cause for school dropouts in Uganda is poverty. Most families survive on less than 1 or 2 US-$ per day and parents from such families often cannot afford paying school fees and providing school requirements for their children.


Advocacy for Enacting of the Sexual Offences Bill and popularizing the National Education Sexuality Framework in Uganda

Joy for Children Uganda (JFCU) is working with Uganda Parliamentary Forum for Children (UPFC) and Uganda Women Parliamentary Association (UWOPA) to review the Sexual Offences Bill. The Bill provides positive provisions towards addressing sexual violence, including protecting sexual assault survivors’ rights during criminal proceedings and criminalizing sexual harassment by people in positions of authority.


Feed 1200 children and 400 women during LOCKDOWN

COVID 19 is a global challenge. This has had huge effects especially for the most vulnerable in our communities – women and children. However, the condition in the slums of Kampala is worst with majority lacking food. The most affected are families with children with disabilities, families headed by children and single mothers. This project will give provide food to 200 households.