All children in Uganda enjoying their rights, being protected and cared for and having equal opportunities to realize their full potential.
To end violence against children in Uganda through capacity building, advocacy, psycho-social and legal support.
- To increase awareness on the negative effects of sexual violence and influence change on related policies.
- To protect children and increase community response to any harmful forms of violence against children.
- To increase psycho social and legal support for children.
- Increase enrollment, retention and achieved learning outcomes of children in schools.
- Reduced number of children especially girls getting married before the age of 18.
Children’s wellbeing is hinged on the application of their rights. Many of Uganda’s children suffer because their rights are violated everyday. Yet we know that the future of a nation is the children.
Since 2005, Joy For Children Uganda (JFCU) has been Championing The Rights Of All Children To Live Peacefully & Without Exploitation, To Benefit From Quality Free Education, To Thrive In Economic Security & Justice, And To Prosper With Access To Clean Water, Good Health Care, & Nutrition.
JFCU head office is located in Kampala while field offices are located in Fort Portal and Lira City.
JFCU is a member Girls Not Brides Uganda, a national Alliance of 139 NGOs working collectively in Uganda to end child marriage, ending teenage pregnancies and preserving the rights of girls and women.
Joy For Children Uganda has been a key partner to the Uganda government in implementing the National Strategy to End Child Marriages and Teenage Pregnancy (2014/2015 -2019/2020) and continues to adapt the new strategy i.e. 2022/2023- 2026/2027. It convenes annual girl summits aimed at intensifying policy and legal advocacy to protect girls from child marriage and amplify the urgency for adopting girls’ /children’s rights at community and national level. GNBU intentionally gears towards empowerment of both girls and boys with correct information to enable them recognize child marriage and early pregnancy as a gross violation of their rights, and support them to take mitigating actions.
You can rely on us to deliver in regard to local knowledge & expertise
From working directly with communities in Uganda to advocacy at the international level, JFCU acts as a bridge providing project implementation & services for international organizations who require local knowledge & expertise from a trusted Partner who also understands & works in the global development arena.
Our Ugandan staff know well local customs, traditions, and cultures and how to successfully navigate them and they are at ease in front of the media & at international conferences.
Stakeholder relations
We maintain excellent relationships with a cross-section of Ugandan civil society & government. Years of engaging & building communities have taught us the power of inclusivity & the strength of diversity to build effective coalitions.
Learn about our uniquely designed projects.
We also have a rich history of creating our own projects that rely on innovative approaches to solving long-standing, entrenched social & economic problems. We believe that problems are best solved with compassionate listening to those directly living the issues, and in building action-oriented partnerships based on trust and mutual cooperation to achieve new goals.
As an organization, we have served as change leaders on a number of societal issues that impact the children, and relish a challenge to change out-dated paradigms & usher in new ways that benefit & elevate all. We are proud of our strong work ethic, our compassionate dedication to children & communities, and our “can-do” spirit.
We deliver high-quality work in an efficient and well-organized manner that is effective and result-oriented. Our guiding principles are honesty, transparency, and service.
Your Partnership is welcome.
Whether it is to fulfill your Project needs or to Support us in our own uniquely designed Programs – together as One we can Create Change for the Better.