Community systems strengthening

JFCU supports  religious and cultural institutions, Community Based Organizations and community groups, educational institutions and political leaderships through sensitization, trainings, and other forms of empowerment to facilitate positive change. Community systems strengthening (CSS) is an approach that promotes development of informed, supportive communities and community-based structures so that they can contribute to long term sustainability of social interventions at community level will be adopted in addressing VAC. The CSS approach facilitates the development of an enabling and responsive environment in which these contributions can be effective.

Strategic Interventions

1.  Supporting community-level efforts to address Violence Against Children

  • JFCU  builds capacity of religious, cultural, and training institutions and households in order to transform their attitudes, mindsets and influence norms within communities and families towards addressing VAC. Training of parents and communities on positive parenting will be supported in order to address VAC at household level. 
  • JFCU supports households and Community Based Organizations involved in rehabilitation of adults that perpetrate violence as well as the survivors. We also  further facilitate support groups of parents and caregivers to encourage confidence to share experiences while empowering role models as change agents. Children especially males are  always put  at the centre of JFCU efforts and engaged as agents of change as part of meaningful involvement of Children (MIYP) efforts for purposes of ownership and sustainability of the interventions. 
  • JFCU  implements interventions aimed at creating awareness about VAC through multimedia channels. 

3.  Economic empowerment: 

We  support households with income generating activities and trainings in basic financial literacy skills such as village saving groups and registering their businesses.JFCU also links these  households  to existing government economic empowerment programs  to mitigate the effects of poverty as a driver to Violence Against Children . Male involvement in socioeconomic activities at home is at the  core of  JFCU interventions.

4 Strengthening the referral system and legal redress

JFCU  supports actors working on addressing Violence Against Children  to strengthen the referral system for early identification and redress of the survivors of violence right from the community level to the district. This also include supporting litigation processes for those whose rights have been infringed.

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