Theme: “Let’s Act on Our Commitments: End Child Labor!”

On June 12th, Joy for Children-Uganda joins the global community in commemorating the World Day Against Child Labor under the theme “Let’s Act on Our Commitments: End Child Labor!” .World Day against Child Labor is an annual observance held on June 12 to highlight the plight of child laborers and to promote efforts to eliminate child labor. The day was first proclaimed by the International Labor Organization (ILO) in 2002.

Child labor remains a critical challenge in Uganda, affecting approximately 2 million children. These children often engage in hazardous and exploitative work, depriving them of education, health, and a safe environment. Factors such as poverty, economic instability, and cultural norms contribute to the prevalence of child labor in various sectors, including agriculture, domestic work, and informal trades.

National estimates in Uganda suggest that 18% of children aged 5 to 17 years are engaged in child labor2. Most of these children work in agriculture, though other sectors include construction, mining, manufacturing, domestic service, street work and commercial sexual exploitation. Child labor has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the impact of the pandemic on household income, together with school closures and a lack of investment in social protection, has pushed children into hazardous work

Child labor is a visible manifestation of the larger issues of poverty and exclusion. It denies children access to education and opportunities, placing them at a disadvantage in securing decent incomes and stable employment in adulthood. While child labor primarily affects households and families, it also hinders the economic growth of entire countries and contributes to rising inequality worldwide.

The 2024 theme emphasizes the urgent need for concrete actions from all societal sectors. It highlights the commitments made under international frameworks like the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Target 8.7, which aims to end all forms of child labor by 2025. This theme serves as a call to action for governments, organizations, businesses, and individuals to honor their promises and take decisive steps to eradicate child labor.

The World Day Against Child Labor is not only a day of reflection but also a day of action. As we commemorate this day, we celebrate the progress made through collective efforts, while recognizing the need for sustained commitment and action. The recent rise in child labor numbers due to the COVID-19 pandemic and other crises underscores the urgency of our mission.

Joy for Children Uganda reaffirms its dedication to ending child labor. We call upon all stakeholders, government officials, business leaders, civil society, and community members to join us in this fight. By acting on our commitments today, we can ensure a brighter future for Uganda’s children, where they are free to learn, grow, and thrive.

Together, we can end child labor in Uganda. Let’s act on our commitments and build a future where every child enjoys the right to a childhood free from labo

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