As we celebrate the Menstrual Hygiene Day themed “Together for a period friendly world” on May 28th, Joy for Children Uganda takes immense pride in reflecting on the achievements and progress made in promoting menstrual health and hygiene across the country. Over the past decade, Menstrual Hygiene Day has grown into a powerful movement, shedding light on the importance of menstrual health, breaking taboos, and empowering women and girls to manage their menstruation with dignity and confidence.

In Uganda, cultural taboos and myths surrounding menstruation have long hindered the well-being of women and girls. Menstrual Hygiene Day has played a crucial role in breaking the silence and fostering open conversations about menstruation. Through community outreach programs, educational workshops, and media campaigns, Joy for Children Uganda has worked tirelessly to dispel myths and provide accurate information about menstrual health.

These efforts have created a more supportive environment where girls feel comfortable
discussing their menstrual needs and challenges. By normalizing menstruation and addressing misconceptions, we are helping to build a society where women and girls can thrive without fear of stigma or shame.

Period poverty remains a significant challenge in Uganda, with many girls lacking access to sanitary products, clean water, and safe sanitation facilities. This lack of resources often leads to missed school days, which can have a long-term impact on their education and future opportunities.

Joy for Children Uganda has been at the forefront of combatting period poverty by distributing reusable sanitary pads and menstrual hygiene kits to girls in need. Our initiatives have reached thousands of girls, ensuring they have the necessary resources to manage their periods safely and hygienically. Additionally, we have implemented programs to teach girls how to make their own reusable pads, promoting self-sufficiency and sustainability, health and hygiene practices. Over the past decade, Joy for Children Uganda has conducted numerous educational sessions in schools and communities, teaching both girls and boys about menstrual health. By involving boys and men in these conversations, we are fostering a culture of support and understanding.

Our comprehensive curriculum covers topics such as the menstrual cycle, proper hygiene
practices, and the importance of nutrition. By equipping girls with knowledge and resources, we are empowering them to take control of their menstrual health and make informed decisions.

Sustainability is a core principle of our work. Joy for Children Uganda has embraced innovative solutions to provide long-term menstrual hygiene options. We have promoted the use of menstrual cups and reusable pads, which are cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternatives to disposable products. These solutions not only reduce waste but also provide a reliable and durable option for girls and women.

Our success over the past decade would not have been possible without the support of our partners, donors, and volunteers. Together, we have created a network of advocates who are passionate about menstrual health and hygiene. Our collaborations with schools, local government, and other NGOs have amplified our impact, reaching more girls and communities across Uganda.

While we celebrate the progress made, we recognize that there is still work to be done. Joy for Children Uganda remains committed to advocating for menstrual health and hygiene as a fundamental human right. Our future goals include expanding our reach to more remote areas, enhancing our educational programs, and continuing to innovate sustainable solutions.

We call on the government, private sector, and international community to join us in prioritizing menstrual health and hygiene. By working together, we can ensure that every girl in Uganda has the opportunity to manage her menstruation with dignity, stay in school, and reach her full potential.

As part of our ongoing efforts to support menstrual health, Joy for Children Uganda has a project on Global Giving aimed at providing sanitary pads for girls in rural schools. This project not only supplies essential menstrual products but also educates girls on menstrual hygiene management, empowering them to stay in school and achieve their dreams. 

We invite you to support this initiative by visiting our Global Giving page on https://shorturl.at/yb9eW and contribute to a brighter future for Ugandan girls.

As we mark 10 years of Menstrual Hygiene Day, Joy for Children Uganda celebrates the strides made in improving menstrual health and hygiene. This milestone is a testament to the power of community, education, and advocacy. Together, we have broken barriers and empowered countless girls to lead healthier and more confident lives.

Happy Menstrual Hygiene Day! Let us continue to champion menstrual health and hygiene for a brighter, more equitable future for all.

Joy for Children Uganda is dedicated to transforming lives through education, empowerment, and advocacy. Join us in our mission to create a world where every girl can thrive.

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