February 2021


Oh What JOY!

Shafiq is one of the Children with Disabilities living in the slums of Bwaise, and supported by Joy for Children Uganda. He lives with his mother solely and never stops bringing her mother smiles and joy as an only child.


Adder; the soft spoken Junior Leader

Adder is 15 year old junior leader that was trained by Joy for Children. She was also previously on the sponsorship program until she finished her primary 7. Her mother is one of the members and leaders for Bukoto community support group for women.


Building safe communities for children

Children or young people in particular are very fragile because they don’t have much choice in the circumstances around them. They will either reap the benefits of a good system or suffer the repercussions of a bad system but can’t influence either. Children are the human resource capital that should be nurtured well if they are to be fruitful or productivity for humanity to progress well.